Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Doxey Academy is an inclusive school where we aim for all children to be aspirational in their lives, breaking down barriers to ensure that all children have the skills ambition, opportunities, knowledge and skills they need to achieve the best outcomes in life.
We implement a graduated approach in response to every child’s individual needs, this begins with the Quality First Teaching based on the ten Rosenshine principles which is provided to all children.
An outline of our graduated response and provisions which may be offered is outlined in the table below.
Universal offer – all children
Inclusive high quality teaching |
Class Action – a number of children
Additional actions taken by the class teacher |
SEN Support – some children
Personalised interventions and support from other agencies |
High level of need – a small number of children
Quality First Teaching based on Rosenshine principles Pre-teaching Read Write Inc Power Maths Visual timetables Visual prompts Wellcomm assessment Behaviour policy Pastoral team support Regular circle/check in times Forest school Flexible teaching and seating arrangements Pencil grips and other writing aids Individual healthcare plans |
Individual learning plan TA support in lessons in small groups Toe by toe intervention Stareway to Spelling intervention 1:1 phonics tutoring Precision teaching Pupil passport Use of ICT e.g. radio aid, laptop, talking tins Advice from Speech and Language therapist Wellcomm intervention Individual visual timetable Additional forest school sessions Individual reward systems ELSA MHST Scheduled time with Pastoral team Calming box Sensory circuits Individual workspace Wobble cushions Ear defenders Fiddle/fidget toys Busy box
1:1 support in some lessons Adapted bespoke curriculum EP advice EYSENCO advice Social stories Advice from AIT Advice from SALT Playdough or Lego therapy Advice from EP Advice from EP Referral to CAMHS Referral to Action4children CafSpa Boxall profile Rainbow Room Safety plan SDQ Reduced timetable Physio or OT programme Individual support for toileting Cool kids
1:1 support in majority of lessons Highly adapted bespoke curriculum Referral to SEND and inclusion hub Rainbow Room Advice and assessment by EP EAPDR Enhanced provision from AIT Enhanced provision from SALT In reach or outreach support from specialist setting Alternative provision |
If you are concerned about your child’s progress in school then you can speak to your child’s class-teacher or Mrs Claire Jones, the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
More information about the support and provision provided by Staffordshire Local Authority can be found on the Staffordshire local offer website, StaffordshireConnects.
The following websites give further information about specific needs.
- Autism
https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism - ADHD
https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/ - Dyslexia
https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/dyslexia/about-dyslexia/what-is-dyslexia - SENDIASS – Staffordshire Family Partnership