Doxey Academy believes that all children need opportunities to play that allow them to explore, manipulate, experience and affect their environment.
The OPAL Primary Programme rationale is that “… better, more active and creative playtimes can mean happier and healthier children, and having happier, healthier, more active children usually results in a more positive attitude to learning in school, with more effective classroom lessons, less staff time spent resolving unnecessary behavioural problems, fewer playtime accidents, happier staff and a healthier attitude to life.”
Definition and value of play
Play is essential for developing important life skills that contribute to overall well-being and success. Through play, children learn resilience as they navigate challenges and setbacks, discovering that failure is a natural part of growth. Engaging in cooperative play fosters kindness, teaching the value of empathy and understanding towards others. As they experiment and succeed in various playful endeavours, children build self-belief, gaining confidence in their abilities. Play also provides opportunities to practice integrity, learning the importance of honesty and fairness in interactions. Furthermore, play nurtures ambition, encouraging children to set goals, dream big, and persist in pursuing their passions.
Play is defined as a process that is intrinsically motivated, directed by the child and freely chosen by the child. Play has its own value and provides its own purpose. It may or may not involve equipment or other people.
We believe play has many benefits, including:
Play is critical to children’s health and wellbeing, and essential for their physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual development.
Play enables children to explore the physical and social environment, as well as different concepts and ideas.
Play enhances children’s self-esteem and their understanding of others through freely chosen social interactions, within peer groups, with individuals, and within groups of different ages, abilities, interests, genders, ethnicities and cultures.
Play requires ongoing communication and negotiation skills, enabling children to develop a balance between their right to act freely and their responsibilities to others.
Play enables children to experience a wide range of emotions and develop their ability to cope with these, including sadness and happiness, rejection and acceptance, frustration and achievement, boredom and fascination, fear and confidence.
Play encourages self-confidence and the ability to make choices, problem solve and to be creative.
Play maintains children’s openness to learning, develops their capabilities and allows them to push the boundaries of what they can achieve.
At Doxey Academy we strongly believe that play is a powerful catalyst for nurturing ambition in children. Through imaginative and creative activities, play allows them to explore their interests and passions, often sparking a desire to achieve more. Whether they are building a fort, role-playing as a hero, or solving puzzles, play encourages children to set goals, dream big, and take risks. This sense of ambition cultivated during play translates into a drive to succeed and a belief in their potential as they grow, laying the foundation for future achievements and a lifelong love of learning.
Links to Personal Development
OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) develops children’s personal development in primary school by promoting meaningful play experiences in outdoor settings. OPAL is a key part of our character curriculum.
OPAL provides a wide variety of materials and environments that children can interact with, fostering a sense of ownership and independence. Completing self-directed projects or mastering new challenges in the playground enhances children’s belief in their abilities. Many OPAL activities naturally require children to work together, such as building structures or organising games, which strengthens communication and cooperation. Play often involves negotiation and problem-solving, helping children learn how to manage disagreements constructively. Play scenarios often involve setbacks, like balancing on wobbly materials or stabilizing a structure, teaching persistence and adaptability. OPAL encourages children to engage with manageable risks, helping them learn to assess and navigate challenges safely. The unstructured nature of OPAL play allows children to make their own decisions, reducing stress and fostering a sense of control. The emphasis on fun and engagement in outdoor play helps build positive emotions and contributes to a happier outlook. OPAL creates opportunities for children to interact across age groups, backgrounds, and abilities, fostering a sense of community.