Reception Class Applications
In line with the Education Authority's early year's recommendations, children can be admitted full time to our main school in the September following their fourth birthday. The closing date for applications during each academic year is mid January. if you wish to make an application for admission to our Reception Class, you can apply online at:
Mid-year Applications
If you would like to apply for a place at our school for a child in Year Reception, 1, 2, 3, 4,5 or 6 please contact the school office to make an appointment to view the school and meet the staff. If you decide to apply for a place, you will need to complete the In-Year Application form which can be downloaded from this page.
For further information with regard to school admissions in Staffordshire, please visit the county website:
Admissions Appeals
For Staffordshire County Council Admissions Appeals please visit the following website:
A new School Admission Appeals Code was implemented on 1 October 2022. You can view the document below.
Local Authority Website School Admissions